Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks and Praises

A year ago while I was taking my doctoral exams I put together a little Thanksgiving playlist. Most of you know how fond I am of such creations. I'm old enough to know something about the mixtape, having received and made my share. I am young enough, however, to have reached my prime in the age of mp3s and cds. Although they are mixcds now, I make them in the spirit of the mixtape, which, as John Cusack describes in High Fidelity, is an art form:

"The making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many Dos and Don’ts. First of all you’re using someone else’s poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing."

So here's a little playlist I like to call "Thanks and Praises"

1. "Kind & Generous" (Natalie Merchant)
2. "Thank You" (Burning Spear)
3. "Thank You Lord" (Bob Marley & The Wailers)
4. "Thank You" (Dido)
5. "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" (Sly and the Family Stone)
6. "Thank You" (Led Zeppelin)
7. "Gratitude" (Beastie Boys)
8. "Thank U" (Alanis Morissette)
9. "Give Thanks And Praise" (Bob Marley)
10. "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (George Winston [Comp. Vince Guaraldi])
11. "Children All Over the World" (Children's Songbook)
12. "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" (Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
13. "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" (Michael Dowdle)
14. "Prayer of Thanksgiving" (David Tolk)

The above list is limited to the songs we own. I would like to have included "Because I have been given much," (among others), but couldn't find a good recording. If you have other thanks-related songs to recommend, please let me know. It's a work in progress . . .

I am grateful for music and the incredible influence it has had, has, and will have in my life. Few things penetrate my heart as deeply as music. I honor all those who write it, perform it, or, like me, greatly appreciate and admire it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Unknown said...

Very well said.

allison wright said...

I love your mix's! I pop in the cali mix every once and a while. I hope you had a very happy thanksgiving. We sure missed you both but am excited for the Christmas holidays! Cody and I are thinking of the places to eat for our anniverary date!

we said...

Hey I tagged you that means you have to post 6 quirks about yourself asap both of you

we said...

Praise to the music gods! My jerusalem get up has brought down the house here. This is Alexis and i just wanted to give the wades a shout out! i love you guys and can't wait to see your quirks!