Thursday, October 4, 2012

Last minute dream vacation

 A couple of Thursday nights ago we got a phone call from Lizzy
telling us that Jeff needed to head north for business.
"What you need to do is fly Asha and I down there so we can stay with you and 
Jeff can take care of business," I told her.
"That's why we're calling," she said.
My bags were packed by the time she finished her sentence:)

 Perfect, perfect, perfect.

 Asha's little footprint in the sand.
 Paraiso. Seriously.
 What's creepier - my sweaty brow or Paigey's devilish stare?
 ¡Pura vida!

Just a few minutes before the fight broke out. 
Ian (Kent) pulled Yhoel (Keith) into the pool. 
Yhoel did not appreciate being disrespected like that.
For the next 15 minutes he waged a savage war of trying to sucker punch
or kick Ian in the face.
Ian was crying with fright and telling us that Yhoel would
not leave him in peace.
Either they hug/offer a hand shake or we take them home.
One firm hand shake and all was well.

 Ethan's and my attempt at making a raft.
I told him he needed to have Jeff show us how it's done
and post a picture on their blog of them floating
around Playa Grande, Playa Hermosa, or
Playa Brasilito.
Thank you Bellystones for a sueño realizado.
Thank you Etan Heffrey Bellystone, Pagina, and Crazy Coconut
for a dream vacation.
We miss you, Juan Carlos, Jose Luis
the flock of parrots, geckos, and Rio.
Hasta marzo chicos

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