Thursday, October 25, 2012

General Conference

Genius idea by Jonny Boy.
 She was a big fan of the 'coloring box.'
 Getting ready for conference ...
with notebooks in hand, Asha and I are ready to copy our notes from Dad.
This is what we waited many moons for.
I love these two pumpkin heads.


Alexis said...

She looks so big in some of these shots! I think I am going to die in December. I love that one of her and Jonny Boy. and of you two cheatin off his conference notes! naturally a good idea cause his handwriting is always the largest and easiest to decipher from far distances! haha love your precious little family! dislike these "prove your're not a robot" deals. I average about 4 tries before it accepts me! bull crap.

Alexis said...

haha got it on the first try that time! I actually just thought to myself, "Is this blogging etiquette to post stuff like this?" but figured you'd set me straight if it isn't so ya, just shoot me a text. :) love you

cody & allison said...

Oh Em we live for your posts! That little ashy does it for us. Olivia said you called and ashys voice was killing her. We can't wait for christmas either. Alexis' comment about copying Jon killed me. I love that guy and his perfect penmanship. That box idea, pure genious.