Monday, September 13, 2010

Sisters are...

a girl's best friend.
Thank you sissys,
for being my dearest friends
and some of the greatest source of strength.
I look up to you all and thank Heavenly Father
daily for the greatest sisters a girl could ask for.
I love you.


allison wright said...

those were some great pictures! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN. everyone thinks it is amazing that we love each other so much but it seams so natural to me.

Heidi Sue said...

Great Pics. You are right. I so admire the relationship that you all have with each other. That is how family should be.

The Kyles said...

And thank goodness for sisters from anothah mothah. Love you!

we said...

love this. love you. grateful we are all latter day saint bernards so we get to be with each other for eternity. lucky us.

Liz said...

ditto, we are a lucky bunch. love you all.