Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day One

After taking Em and Asha to the airport, returning to our place, and eating as many perishables as possible, Brian and I packed up YTY. Before jumping in the car, however, we decided that we would juggle the soccer ball 60 times (the idea being that we would do this in every city we stop at along the way, totaling 300 altogether). An hour later, and at least four times in the 50s, we finally achieved our goal and got on our way. We began at 299,003.

It's all about "One Love" and "Givin is Livin."
Who could resist putting the Barcelona scarf there as well? Not me

A second before the picture actually took the trunk came crashing down on our heads (doesn't hold up like it used to).

It is a sin to drive past Asheville without dropping by the Chocolate Lounge. With YTY driving as if she had just come off the lot, we had much to celebrate.

Two words: liquid truffle. "What is that?" you say. Only the most divine drink you will ever taste in your life. I scraped my little mug clean. Brian was in heaven, adding a piece of cake, a brownie, and a cookie as well.

It was a great first day. We got into Nashville just after midnight. YTY averaged 36 miles/gallon. Gonna make it. Gonna make it. Gonna make it. . .


Faye Wade said...

Glad all has gone so well......Can't wait to see you!

we said...

This is making me tear up a bit.