Tuesday, May 24, 2011


absolute bliss
asha didn't get the memo:
to pretend she was asleep (my favorite game)
one of my favorite pictures ever
this little angel is all smiles lately

on a little walk
with our dear friends, the arlanders,
around lake lynn
this beautiful setting is only minutes from our home

our favorite little adventurer

el guapo would say that asha has a plethora of hats

this one is from aunt jackie

this one is from trixee buckingham

this one is from holly, one of ashley's friends

and this one is from nicki (jackie's daughter)

so, so darling


The Shafer Family said...

Hello Wades! When we were cleaning up from a Primary dance the other night we found a book that belongs to your little one that you left here in Nashville. If you'll email me your address I'll mail it to her. tracieshafer at bellsouth dot net.

Hope you all are well!


The Kyles said...

Love, love, lovin it. I would say, jes, she has a plethora of hats. Could it be, Jefe, because she is so squishable? Could it be, jefe, that it is because she is the child of my favorite people? I wish I could be there right now to squeeze you and your sweet little girl!

Liz said...

I love her hands in the first picture while you're pretending to be asleep. she did get hooked up with the hats.

we said...

the hats!! she is adorable, i wanna get her a fur russian hat from sitka, don't tell her it would be the best suprise for our little begashy!! can you imagine her in a russian hat?? beautiful and hilarious. i love you all.