Wednesday, April 7, 2010

whitey's new plate

I don't know how they do it in Juarez, but
here in the south, they only require the rear license plate.
We got this one . . . looks nice, huh?
She still rocks the Utah plate on the front,
who knows if that's legal, but we couldn't part!

Spring has sprung! Every morning we wake up to a
dusting of yellow-green fluff everywhere . . .
Josh's eyes would be the size of watermelons
if he lived here!

Our annual snowboarding trip.
Jon sported Spence's skinny powder pants:)
he looked good, real good.
I'm not sure why I always feel like I need to bend over
in pictures. The two 6 footers are standing straight
and tall, I think I would have gotten in the picture!!


Unknown said...

Well, at least the Bob Marley sticker is still there. My fondest memory of Whitey is riding at near bicycle speed up a mountain in Colorado and being passed by one of Jon's friends who had a look on his face like "Dude, what's wrong with your car?"

cody & allison said...

givin is livin. yucko on the pollen. i love you leanin in on the picture, you just like to be close. cody and jeff just went up for a little 3 feet of powder spring riding. they didn't get the sun though.

jon and em said...

I remember the trip, Matt, and I remember the look on my buddy's face. Those early days of struggling up the smallest hill are fortunately a distant memory (it was a fuel line/spark plug problem. Now YTY tears up the mountain, in her own Civic kind of way. . .