I love to go to the Temple, but I really
really love to go with my family.
And now, one of my favorite quotes:
Hearts must be pure to come within these walls,
Where spreads a feast unknown to festive halls.
Freely partake, for freely God hath given,
And taste the holy joys that tell of heaven.
Here learn of Him who triumphed o'er the grave.
And unto men the keys, the kingdom gave;
Joined here by powers that past and present bind
The living and the dead perfection find.
Orson F. Whitney
the only thing that gets better then that is when the three little sisters are there with us! the quotable orson indeed. i sure love and miss you greatly.
will you fly out when i get my endowment? that will be beautiful & when lucy gets home oh my this is going to be AWESOME!
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