Sunday, August 16, 2009

Asheville, NC

It so happens that our great friends, Sara and Jeff, live
smack dab between Nashville and Raleigh!!

Kindred spirits from our ward in Nashville.


Liz said...

Jeff was wondering when Olivia was with Jon and some friends and then he noticed it was you! He couldn't believe it was you with short locks. We're checking out our sky miles for a NC visit.

jon and em said...


allison wright said...

Can Cody and I join you? Em have you seen Nights in Rodanthe? I thought of you in NC. We are counting down the days until your visit...Maddie and I are packed and ready to pick you up. I am glad you had a fun safe trip back to Nashville.

we said...

sissy! your hair is getting more beautiful by the second! miss you can't wait to see you on FRIDAY!! you two jonny!

Neal and Shannon said...

Ditto to all the hair comments. You look darling! Miss you and happy 10 year tornado anniversary.

we said...

mimi, you are way too clever for your own good! i loved your comments on my blog, i wish i hadn't lost my camera because yesterday at pack meeting the cub master was in full indian get up i have never seen something so hilarious in my life! i'll try and scrounge up a few photos of him for you! xoxo can't wait to see you!

Liz said...

wow, you're really keeping up on your blogging-you've posted once since you told me you're really getting into it!!

Cindi said...

i LOVE asheville! we are heading there this coming weekend - hooray! perhaps one of these days we can meet up there!