so you're tellin' me i have a cheerio hangin' off my chin?!
cutest article of clothing ... ever
best little buddy
who is a walking phenom
taken a while ago
oh, how i love this little soul!
she loves to swing - and her daddy's besos
nice little stroll around the lake with our little amiga riley
one of the greatest transformations
that has taken place over the last month:
she doesn't try to eat the book you're trying to read to her.
it's miraculous
she brings me a book
then sits on my lap
and turns the pages
and loves every minute of it!
on the 2nd page of 'hungry, hungry caterpillar'
the egg
pops into a caterpillar
~it's her favorite part~
when we get to page 4 or 5 she will flip
back to page 2 so she can see/hear
the miraculous pop again
thanks, grandma faye, for the block rings!
(love her squat)
and thanks grandma jane and grandpa marc for this adorable bear!
bath time bliss
have a wonderful week!
grandma faye will be here on wednesday
we can't wait!