Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Without further ado ...

Asha Bug
February 15, 2012
sneaking away with the grand prize
making the grand prize into an intricate piece
of origami (while standing on her own)
playing peek a boo
with mommy
[one of my all time favorite shots]
just plain adorable
what? next month i'm going to be a year?!
how time flies.

get ready...

for the cutest ...

thing you have ever seen ...




i was getting stuff out of the fridge
when this little munchkin
helped herself
i love that she was going for the squash!
oh, how we love this baby!!!
this next shot is not for the faint of heart
she looks toooooooo old.
love these two pumpkin heads
now, let me tell you of the trouble i've seen
do you know how many times my mom has stuck this
blue thing up my nose in the last week?
runny nose, fever, teething, vomiting,
cough, & ear infection
it was a doozy.
but luckily she got to hold our phones

the entire week
it was so sad.
the only silver lining was the fact
that she wanted to be held all day long.
both jon and i were in heaven.
it was the cellphone that eventually gave her the
will to go on.
she's feeling 100%
cruisin around and laughing
at everything she encounters
and talking up a storm
she gets better every single day.
jon brought me this beautiful bouquet
for valentine's day
so very grateful.


Liz said...

i get a big smile right when i pull up pictures of ashy. those are some great shots. i can't believe how big she is.

cody & allison said...

I am so sorry she had to experience her first true cold :( I cannot believe she is standing so well and the fridgidare! We sure love the pictures and maddie thinks ashas funny.

The Kyles said...

those squishy cheeks are driving me mad, Mad I tell you! So sorry to hear about the bout with the baby plague, I'm glad she's on the mend. I love the picture where you are holding her and she has your phone. Seriously, as sad as sick babies are, oh, the cuddling....

we said...

Ashy clutching the cell phone next to her heart is the best. I love these, all of them. Reaching for the squash and the picture where she looks so old I clutched my heart like you
Said you do like George banks, miss and love y'all!!! xoxo