Sunday, August 16, 2009

Asheville, NC

It so happens that our great friends, Sara and Jeff, live
smack dab between Nashville and Raleigh!!

Kindred spirits from our ward in Nashville.

Goodbye Nashville

One of the hardest things to say goodbye to:
Las Paletas!
These delicious Mexican popsicles
were one of our favorite treats in Nashville.
Our favorite flavor: Raspberry Lime
(my mouth watering just writing the name of it)

Here's a final shot of Jon's carrel at Vanderbilt. Jon would like to refer
to it as the "not-to-be-forgotten carrel."
Clever little whip.

He was sad to leave this, until he got keys to . . . .
After 6 years of graduate school, this is a big day:)

Welcome to Raleigh (and my new life)

Well, after 4 years of living in Nashville and wanting to
start blogging, I've finally found the 'ganas' to do it.

This sweet little shot is on a bridge that takes us from our
little condo right to Meredith's campus.

No. Carolina is beautiful. It is as green and lush as Nashville.
I will have to take some pics of the flowering trees, they're everywhere!
And we've heard fall and spring are off the hook!
(Anyone looking for a romantic getaway??)

The next posts will be totally out of order . . . I'll get the hang of this!